Food Allergy
Medical Supplies & Equipment Company, LLC offers high-quality, physician-recommended products for food allergy prevention, relief and control. Medical Supplies & Equipment Company, LLC is dedicated to providing the finest allergy relief and control products at competitive prices, together with superior customer service.
Although food allergies afflict less than one percent of our population, reactions from a food allergy are some of the most severe. Food allergy reactions range from a tingling sensation in the mouth and lips to anaphylactic shock. Anaphylactic shock may begin with classic food allergy symptoms-tingling mouth and lips-but within seconds the mouth and throat swell and constrict air passages. If air passages are severely constricted, choking and death by suffocation may occur. Anaphylactic shock may also cause seizures resulting in heart failure and circulatory collapse.
Specific food proteins trigger food allergies. An allergic person's system produces an allergy antibody (IgE) in response to some food proteins. The allergy antibody acts as a fuse that ignites an allergy bomb-allergy cells that release histamine and other natural chemicals that cause allergic symptoms. Histamine can be released anywhere in the allergy-prone victim's body. A food allergy reaction may occur within seconds of ingestion up to four hours later. If a food allergy causes histamine to be released in the lungs, bronchial spasms, wheezing and difficulty breathing can occur. Histamine from food allergies released in the skin cause itching or hives and eczema. Histamine released in the stomach causes nausea. When food allergies cause a histamine release throughout the body, anaphylactic shock may occur.
The most common food allergies include:
Wheat allergy.
Egg allergy.
Milk allergy.
- Peanut allergy.
Other food allergies may include:
Brewer yeast allergy.
Corn allergy.
Nuts allergy.
Shellfish and Fish allergy.
Bean allergy.
Pork allergy.
Strawberry allergy.
Chocolate allergy.
Tomato allergy.
Cheese allergy.
Wine and beer allergy.
Pickle allergy.
Baking yeast allergy.
Avocado allergy.
Coffee allergy
Soybean allergy.
Oils from peanuts, soybeans, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, corn.
Sulfites and other food preservatives allergies.
- MSG (monosodium glutamate) and other food seasonings allergies.
Schedule food allergy testing by a physician. For food allergies, medical testing is vital to pinpoint which foods to avoid. Food allergy testing may include blood count and several other blood tests, including the IgE allergy antibody; nasal smear, pulmonary function study, chest and sinus X-rays, plus a detailed symptomatic medical history and food diary review. As many 120 substances may be used in puncture (pin prick) testing on the upper back and arms to pinpoint exactly which food allergies affect you. Intradermal tests of substances on the arms and dermatitis patch tests may be used as well, based on the puncture test results. Medical testing can also determine other allergens that are causing allergic reactions. For severe food allergies, your physician may prescribe a portable emergency adrenaline injection. An EpiPen® auto injector should be carried at all times by anyone with severe food allergies.
Educate yourself about food allergies:
Keep a food diary of your eating habits and food allergy symptoms.
Distinguish between true food allergies and food intolerance. (Food allergies, food intolerance and food poisoning can sometimes have similar symptoms.)
- Read food labels carefully. Once specific food allergies have been identified, reading food labels can reduce exposure. However, many processed foods have hidden ingredients that can trigger a food allergy flare-up.
Hidden food allergy ingredients:
Although food labels have been significantly improved thanks to industry guidelines, it may still be difficult to identify some ingredients that may cause food allergy reactions. For example, wheat gluten, a wheat protein substance used for cohesiveness and thickening, is used in a huge number of processed food products.
Wheat Gluten-soups, bread, pasta, white flour, white vinegar, alcoholic beverages, cookies and crackers, ice cream.
Milk-casein, butter, artificial butter flavor, margarine, cheese, custard, sour cream, yogurt, brown sugar, chocolate, lunch meats, hot dogs, high-protein flour.
Eggs-albumen, mayonnaise, salad dressings, sandwich spreads, bread, ice cream.
Corn-corn meal, corn syrup, maple syrup, dextrose, flavorings, grits, powdered sugar, vitamin C, plastic wrap, paper cups and paper plates, adhesive on stamps and envelopes.
- Sulfites (used on raw and processed foods to prevent spoilage and discoloration)-alcoholic beverages, fruit juices, bakery items, pizza crust, waffles, pickles and olives, wine vinegar, horseradish, pickles and pickled vegetables, relish, trail mix and other dried foods, gelatin, frosting, jam and jelly, coconut, gravies, stuffing, noodles, rice mixes, fish and shellfish, sugar, tortilla and potato chips, hard candy, vegetable juices, canned and frozen vegetables.
Reduce your exposure to other allergens:
Stay indoors during peak airborne allergy and hay fever seasons.
Install either a Taskmaster Healthmate or Pleat-A-Static high-performance allergy-free electrostatic air filter in your central air conditioning and heating system to extract pollen.
Replace regular filters on air conditioning system air returns with either a Taskmaster Healthmate or Pleat-A-Static Allergen Reduction Air Filters for maximum efficiency.
Choose the "Circulate" setting for home and auto air-conditioning system to avoid introducing outside air containing airborne allergens.
Upgrade your vacuum cleaner with special dust mite allergen containment features, tight-fitting hose connections and a vacuum exhaust filter, such as the Taskmaster – TMVAC9109.
Use a Taskmaster vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency HEPA filter and a Micro-lined Vacuum Bag or a Micro-Lined Anti-Bacterial Vacuum Bag to trap and hold indoor allergens.
Use Delonghi steam mops that attract and keep dust from becoming airborne.
Bathe pets frequently with Allerpet and keep pets outdoors to reduce pollen inside the home.
Remove carpet and area rugs if possible, and wash rugs in hot water with Allersearch Wash Detergent every week to remove pollen grains.
- Use a Taskmaster air purifier to control odors, dust, pollen, mold, animal dander, as well as some bacteria.
Avoid cumulative food allergy exposures:
Food allergy symptoms grow more severe with each successive exposure. Individuals predisposed to food allergies may react to other allergens as well. Like stacking blocks, one too many blocks causes the whole stack to topple triggering an allergy flare-up.
Food allergies can lead to asthma, especially in children, causing permanent lung damage. Fortunately, information about food allergies and allergy control products can help people with food allergies live normal lives.
Avoidance of Food Allergens.
Symptomatic Medications-Drug Therapy.
Immunotherapy-Food Allergy Desensitizing Injections.
- Emergency Adrenaline (epinephrine) Injection (EpiPen® Auto Injector).
Food allergy patients may be asked to eliminate foods suspected to evoke food allergy symptoms for several weeks. Food allergy patients will add back into the diet one food at a time to link food allergy reactions to specific foods. Many food allergy patients can reintroduce foods back into their regular diet using caution, keeping in mind the building block theory of food allergy reactions. For example, if you also have airborne allergies, avoid eating a food you are allergic to if you are experiencing any airborne allergy symptoms.
Medical Supplies & Equipment Company, LLC provides quality allergy reduction products, including:
Taskmaster's Pristine Reduction Bedding Encasings-mattress, box springs and pillow encasings.
- Taskmaster, Panasonic, Delonghi, Spring Air and Bionaire Air Purifiers.
- Taskmaster Pristine Hypo-allergenic Pillows, Linens and Blankets.
Allergy Control Household Cleaners-Allerdust dust control, Allersearch laundry detergent.
De-mite laundry additive, kitchen cleaners, de-mite carpet cleaners.
- Allergy reduction Pet Cleaners-Allerpet conditioners.