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Medical Lighting: Different Lights for Different Applications

Our extensive on-line inventory is stocked with the best state of the art medical exam lights, magnifier lights, fluorescent lamps, incandescent lamps, halogen lamps, and UV lighting for your professional healthcare setting.  By browsing our product line, you’ll see that we carry the widest variety of medical lighting with variable features in design, light intensity, and cool operation, with the high quality, low cost, and dependable operation unmatched in the healthcare profession.  Whether you’re a General Practitioner, Osteopathic Physician, or a Physical Therapist, look no further than Medical Supplies and Equipment Company as the first class source to provide you with your particular needs in medical exam lights, magnifier lights, task lights, and all of your specialty medical lighting needs.

For the best procedure lights, utility lights, and examination lights in the industry, we are your primary provider.  Our expansive catalogue features the 35 watt halogen Gleamer Medical Light, designed for the most demanding specifications of the modern healthcare facility.  The Gleamer has a wide 33” swing radius, an extensive reach, superior flexibility, and offers maximum convenience with rugged durability.  The Gleamer comes in either standard beam spot or wide beam spot models.  We also carry the new state of the art SuperNova Medical Light.  The SuperNova is in a class of its own, delivering the intensity, coolness, performance, and aesthetic appeal unmatched in the profession.  With its rugged 24” non sag gooseneck, this light can withstand the heavy use and handling in the busiest of examination rooms.  Our inventory also includes the Super Bright Spo Medical Light, a high intensity examination light that operates at cool temperatures, features a pre-focused spot and drift free positioning.  Ideal for OB/GYN exams, suturing, or any procedure requiring intense light, easy positioning, low maintenance, and exceptional reliability, the Super Bright Spot is the superior choice.  We also carry the Pearl Medical Light in our inventory.  The Pearl Light is a low cost, high quality exam light with special aesthetic appeal.  The Pearl Light has a chrome finish that will add a nice touch to the décor of your exam area.


For the best magnifier lights and diagnostic exam lights on the market, we are your one-stop destination.  We offer the highest quality and economical fluorescent lamp magnifiers anywhere.  Take the Wave Plus Fluorescent Magnifie Medical Lights, for example.  The Wave Plus offers superior form and shadow-free magnification with two light sources that can operate independently.  The Wave Plus Fluorescent Magnifier was designed with a large rectangular magnifier (6.5” x 4”), insuring optimum viewing area, a necessity for healthcare professionals.  We also provide the new Epic Magnifier.  Though its modern design commands attention, its real value is coupled with its superior optics, precise maneuverability, and unmatched performance.  With the Epic’s patented parallel motion enclosed arm system, it is ten times sturdier than other lights on the market.  Exceptional for use in emergency rooms, clinics, and physician offices, our supply of Ultraviolet Medical Lights are unbeatable.  UV lighting systems are universally accepted for diagnosing disease and injuries to the skin and eye, for identifying medical tissue samples and restorative compounds in laboratories, discovering evidence in criminology labs, and are also used in cosmetology.  We also carry the finest X-Ray Viewers in the profession.  They feature a plastic film holder which will grip films securely without causing any damage.  Available in single or double bank/panel models, each X-Ray Viewer also features two 15 watt fluorescent bulbs for optimum viewing.


Whatever your hospital lighting or clinic specifications may be for your medical exam lights, magnifier lights, task lights, or other special lighting needs, we have the best products on the market.  For any questions or assistance, please call us toll free at 1-877-706-4480.

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