For the massage therapist on the go, no piece of massage equipment is more vital to their profession than portable massage tables. In today’s fast paced society, more and more massage therapists are on the go, just as their clients are. With a portable massage table, massage therapists are able to pack the rest of their gear into the car and arrive on-site fully prepared. An increasing number of massage therapists are leaving the clinics, leaving the spas, and making home visits, office visits, working out of airports, shopping malls, and other public areas. At Medical Supplies and Equipment Company, there is a wide selection of portable massage tables to choose from. The portable massage tables you see in the on-line catalogue are constructed of heavy duty materials, yet these portable massage tables are also engineered to be light and easy to transport. Every portable massage table is manufactured from respected industry leaders. For the massage therapist who is just starting his or her practice and making those multiple stops throughout the day, MSEC has a portable massage table for you. But even if you’re an established massage therapist, perhaps working in tandem with a chiropractor or in your own clinic, there’s still no denying the value a portable massage table can have for your practice. Take a moment to browse the entire inventory of portable massage tables to see which model will work best for those times your expertise is needed outside of the office.
The wide ranging and documented benefits of massage therapy are only slightly known to the general public, though the practice has been around since the dawn of civilization. Though most people will claim to have a basic knowledge of the pleasurable effects of massage therapy, in general, most people don’t fully understand the wide ranging benefits that massage therapy can procure. There may be many reasons for this lack of knowledge, but nonetheless, most people aren’t going to take the time to go see a massage therapist unless instructed to do so by a chiropractor, physician, or physical therapist. This presents quite the challenge to the newly licensed massage therapist attempting to get a career off the ground. This means the new massage therapist is practically bound to be mobile and in public places to attract attention to their work. Most people will be curious and opt for a 10 minute back or shoulder rub while shopping at the mall or perhaps a 30 minute session during a layover at the airport. If these clients are locals and they like the effects of your hands, then you potentially have returning client. Nonetheless, you won’t be doing any massage anywhere without a portable massage table. In fact, due to the innovative designs of modern portable massage tables, many people will be curious as to what services you provide. Depending on the specific model, the table can be quite the eye-catcher and most importantly, of all the equipment a massage therapist uses, the massage table is by far the most important tool of the trade.
MSEC remains dedicated to providing the very best and the very latest in medical supplies and equipment. We never cease to be on the lookout for the latest innovation that will benefit both our many clients and the patients they dedicate their lives to caring for. If you have any difficulty finding your choices in our vast inventory, call our customer service at 1-877-706-4480 to speed up your order or to make a special request. We are always happy to help you.